ODDS: 50-1
JOCKEY: Dwade Plugginsteaks
HOMETOWN: Horse Island, The Sky Plains
FUN FACT: Will brake for baby ducklings, but not for ANYTHING ELSE.
ODDS: 8-1
JOCKEY: Murgis Curryweather
HOMETOWN: Mane City, U.S.A.
FUN FACT: Actually pays for his HBO Go login, but only uses it to watch ARLI$$.
ODDS: 12-1
JOCKEY: Tang McFlurple
HOMETOWN: Drowned Family River, Disneyland
FUN FACT: Is the horse equivalent of Microsoft Excel.
ODDS: 30-1
JOCKEY: Buggy Dumpkins
HOMETOWN: Edoras, Rohan
FUN FACT: More hamburger than horse.
ODDS: 30-1
JOCKEY: Gregor Hategood
HOMETOWN: Icewind Dale, Faerun
FUN FACT: Pretends to like free jazz and no one is impressed.
ODDS: 20-1
JOCKEY: Chag Bingswallow
HOMETOWN: The Spongey Abyss, Eastern Neverlands
FUN FACT: Farts great.
JOCKEY: Gupple Slarts
HOMETOWN: The Gilded Hall of the Sun Horse Kingdom
FUN FACT: Photoshops himself into pictures of quinceaneras.
ODDS: 9-2
JOCKEY: Benducky Kirby
HOMETOWN: Graceland in Memphis, Egypt
FUN FACT: Er kennt nicht das Bär.
ODDS: 40-1
JOCKEY: Mashley Sweeterfun
HOMETOWN: Friendly NAYYYbors, Montana, U.S.A.
FUN FACT: 9/11 was an inside job.
ODDS: 18-1
JOCKEY: Yogrippa Dingwhistle
HOMETOWN: Bannion's Redoubt, the Cargian Underworld
FUN FACT: Fell off the shed once.
JOCKEY: Dang Rumples
HOMETOWN: Stanford, California, U.S.A.
FUN FACT: Waitlisted at Cal-Tech.
ODDS: 18-1
JOCKEY: Yasper "Buck" Gooter
HOMETOWN: Horse Tail Creek, Horse Part County, Horseland
FUN FACT: Has broken all four legs...of EVERY OTHER HORSE HE'S EVER MET.
ODDS: 33-1
JOCKEY: Dip Swizzle
HOMETOWN: Inner Congo
FUN FACT: Nickname in high school was Tuna Helper.
ODDS: 50-1
JOCKEY: Johnny Guatemala
HOMETOWN: Skull Island, Unincorporated Territory
FUN FACT: Is pooping for two now.
ODDS: 18-1
JOCKEY: Ioki Ren Wanswadder
HOMETOWN: Dothraki Sea, Essos
FUN FACT: Cut off his nipple and gave it to Peggy Olson.
ODDS: 50-1
JOCKEY: Chode Chuggins
FUN FACT: Really bakes my potatoes.
ODDS: 40-1
JOCKEY: Addam Charnley Zaino
HOMETOWN: Haverhill, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
FUN FACT: Understudy for Kevin James, American hero, in Paul Blart Mall Cop 2.
ODDS: 9-4
JOCKEY: Chode Chuggins
HOMETOWN: Underneath Black Lake, England
FUN FACT: Creamy. Beige. Delicious.
ODDS: 22-1
JOCKEY: Chamblord Blunkson
FUN FACT: Knows how babby is formed.
ODDS: 33-1
JOCKEY: Baby Bipbaby
HOMETOWN: Nickelback, Linkin Park, U.S.A.
FUN FACT: There's nothing fun about this horse.